How to Write a Research Proposal for a Master's Degree

 How to Write a Research Proposal

how to write a masters degree research proposal

In this article, we will discuss the following points: How to write a research proposal for a master's degree? and why do you need one? How to write an effective research proposal? What are the components of a good research proposal? How to avoid common mistakes while writing a research proposal?


A research proposal is an extensive document that contains essential information about the project. It includes details on the problem, purpose of the research, background information about the topic if needed, methods of collecting data and designing instruments for collecting data (if any), statistical methods to analyze data if applicable. So, it should contain all possible information necessary for writing a perfect research report.

For the dissertation, you must choose a topic, do a literature review and then write outlines. This article will tell you how to write a research proposal.

What is a Research Proposal?

Research proposals are preliminary documents that academic researchers prepare before beginning their research projects. A research proposal usually describes the type of research project and how it would be conducted in sufficient detail to present its purpose, methodology, possible outcomes, and the researcher's rationale for undertaking such a project.

Who should write the research proposal?

The student should write a research proposal for their degree from the start of their graduate program. It will focus their studies, provide structure for their work and serve as a written document that clearly defines the expectations for success in their degree program.

What should be included in the research proposal?

The research proposal should be a short but comprehensive description of the research problem, its significance, and its relevance to the field of study. It should also include the problem statement, hypothesis, and research objectives. The proposal should be written in simple language to convey the ideas clearly and concisely. The proposal must contain a literature review/background on the subject and its relation to the problem under study.

Steps to writing a research proposal

Following are the steps to start a research proposal.

1. Title

It is only a speculative title of the proposed research. One will want to overhaul the title throughout the study in case one is acknowledged for affirmation. 

2. Abstract

You need to include an abstract when you write a research proposal. The abstract should be no more than 250 words long and sum up your proposed research concisely and accurately.

An abstract is a summary of your research project. Your abstract should include:

(a). A brief description of the research problem, the objectives of your study.

(b). The methods used.

(c). Your conclusions are based on these results.


The proposal should include a short introduction explaining the background to your research and why you have chosen to address this particular topic. The introduction should also set out what you hope to achieve by doing the research and adding value to existing knowledge.

3. Research Context

You ought to clarify the expansive foundation against which you will lead your research. It would be best to incorporate a concise outline of the overall space of study inside which your proposed research falls, summing up the present status of information and late discussions on the subject. It will permit you to exhibit a knowledge of the critical field just as the capacity to impart plainly and compactly.

4. Research Questions

The research questions are the most crucial part of your research proposal. It is where you decide what you're going to do with the research. Take time to write down your research questions before you start writing your research proposal. It would help if you had clear, specific, and well-formed research questions in this section. If you don't get this right, it will be challenging to write a good research proposal. It is the focus of your research, and it is the opinion that you will try to support with the results of your study. It should be written in a way that is answerable by the data that you collect.

5. Research Methods

In this section, you should describe how you are going to conduct your research. For example, are you going to visit particular archives or libraries? Will you carry out fieldwork? Will you carry out interviews? If your research is library-based, you should provide details in the section of the outline. Law reports, journal articles, and electronic library resources are critical resources for legal research.

6. Significance of Research

By explaining how your research builds on and adds to the current state of knowledge in the field or by setting out reasons why it is timely to research your proposed topic, you will demonstrate the originality of your intended research.

7. Bibliography

The proposal should include a list of sources, including both published works and other sources that you have consulted.

8. Conclusion

The conclusion of the research proposal shows the summary of your research proposal. The main goal of this part is to discuss the results, which you have got from the previous parts. You should also include the suggestions and recommendations you want to give to the readers in this section. 

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1. How to Write a Research Proposal, University of Birmingham

2. How to Write a Research Proposal, University of Westminster

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