You've Got To Write It Down: Things to note Notes as reminders

You've heard the phrase 'You've got to write it down!' right? But why is that the case? The reason is simple. Learning and living is something we are constantly doing.  There are so many things to learn and do in life that without a way to capture them, you would be too busy trying to recall all the important concepts.

You've Got To Write It Down: Things to note Notes as reminders
You've Got To Write It Down: Things to note Notes as reminders

What is a note?

In short, a note is a way of capturing our thoughts and ideas.  Writing notes is a way of taking in what you are looking at.  So look at the world as a place to note things down.

Why do people write notes?

People write notes for many reasons and for many different audiences, but the majority of notes are written for ourselves.  The reason we write notes to ourselves is simple - to recall at a later date when we need it.  Things get forgotten over time unless you have some way to remind yourself of these important events or concepts.

Why are notes useful?

Noting things down gives us a reference point for later on. It makes learning easier because it becomes something you can look back on, or think about later when you have time. You will have something written down that helps you build your knowledge base, giving you a head start on other people who don't write things down.  Also, noting things is a great way of thinking about them in different ways – trying out new ideas, or combining old ones together that might work better with what you already know.

What are the different types of notes?

Over time, I have taken different types of notes. Some consist of a list of things to do. Others are just recordings of what I want to remember for later. There are also those that require me to be creative and draw diagrams or maps. And then there are those which require me to write everything in detail such as my own recipes, thoughts, and ideas on a book or movie, or even plans for future projects/businesses.

Here are four things that I note each day

I have a notebook that I carry around with me every day.  Most of the time it's in my bag, but sometimes it's in my hand.  

In it, I write down observances about the day.  It's been a great way for me to keep track of what is happening around me and how I am feeling about things.

Here are four things that I note each day:  

1) The weather - I like to know if we had a beautiful sunny day or if it was raining (and pouring)

2) My mood - Sometimes I am happy and other times not so much.  It's cool to be able to see when you feel emotionally different than the norm.

3) Something personal - This could be an idea or concept that has been floating around in my head for a while or something that just popped up.

4) Something I want to think about - This could be something like 'how can make sure I'm doing a good job at work?' or 'how can I get better at Math?'  These are typically longer-term goals that may need some extra thought put into them.

You've heard the phrase 'You've got to write it down!' right? But why is that the case?

The reason is simple. Learning and living is something we are constantly doing.  There are so many things to learn and do in life that without a way to capture it, you would be too busy trying to recall all the important concepts.

Final Thought

Notes are a great way to organize information and keep yourself in check. They can be used to record a variety of different things.  After you write down something valuable, sending it to someone or reading through it yourself can bring you inspiration to achieve your dreams.

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