Top 10 Tips for Making New Year resolutions

Top 10 Tips for Making New Year resolutions
Making New Year Resolutions

Making New Year Resolution

Making New Year’s resolutions is a common practice that many people follow at the beginning of the year. The problem is that not everyone will actually stick to them and continue on an upward path toward success. Here are 10 tips to help you keep your resolutions so that you can progress towards being a more successful person in 2022.

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Tips for New Year Resolutions

New Year's resolutions — we love 'em. They allow us to fail miserably without risking our self-esteem. But by the end of the year, about 90% of the population has abandoned their resolutions and is left feeling defeated and broken. No one should have to feel this way. That's why I'm sharing with you 10 tips that will help you keep your new year's resolutions this year :)

1. Commit to your resolutions. 

Don't make the mistake of casually saying that you're going to change. Instead, commit to your goal. Say it out loud and write it down somewhere you can see it every day.

2. Use a vision board.

A vision board is a collection of images that represent what you want achieve in the coming year. As you work toward your goals, look at the vision board for inspiration and motivation. Your vision board can be a simple piece of poster board or something more elaborate like an online collage or scrapbook page.

3. Keep a journal.

Writing down your thoughts can help you process them as well as make you more accountable for sticking to your resolutions. You don't need to write every day but setting aside time each week to reflect on your goals can help keep you on track throughout the year.

4. Track your progress. 

Track daily events, habits or inputs related to your resolution so that you can see how much closer they're bringing you to reaching your goal. This is helpful for creating a habit or for making sure you don't go too far off track. You can keep a journal, write on a calendar, check off days on a poster, use an app or whatever works for you, just make sure it's something that's easy and accessible so you'll actually do it regularly and use the information to stay motivated.

5. Keep it positive. 

This seems like a no-brainer, but sometimes we slip without even realizing it when talking about our resolutions because we focus on what we're trying to avoid (smoking, overspending), not what we're trying to gain (better health and more money). Focus on what's positive about your goals rather than what you're giving up.

6. Start small.

It's easier to achieve a goal if you start with a smaller one. If, for example, your goal is to run an entire 5K race by the end of the year, set an initial goal of running or even walking, for just 1 mile without stopping. You can work up to longer distances from there. In other situations, if you know that mornings are the best time for you to accomplish your goals, start by setting aside just 15 minutes per day in the morning to focus on your resolutions. Later on, you can increase that amount of time as needed.

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7. Celebrate success.

It's important to give yourself credit when you do well and keep your resolutions. Even if that means just a small pat on the back or a quick "good job" to yourself in the mirror, positive reinforcement like this can help keep you motivated and on track.

8. Forgive yourself and try again.

If you mess up or have trouble keeping your resolutions, don't be too hard on yourself -- everyone makes mistakes sometimes! The important thing is that you pick yourself up and get back on track as soon as possible after straying from your goals.

9. Don't give up after one slip-up.

We start out so well with our resolutions, but then something happens and we say, "I might as well not bother anymore." This is the wrong attitude. If it's January 5 and you've already fallen off your diet wagon (because those cookies were irresistible), don't beat yourself up about it. Accept that it happened and move on. Don't let one day of indulgence ruin your entire year?

10. Don't get discouraged by setbacks. 

If you slip up, don't throw in the towel. Just start again and continue toward your goal. You may need to adjust your plan to make it more realistic or less stressful.

Bottom Line

To keep your New Year resolutions is about taking positive action and breaking bad habits. All of the tips above can help you with both. You don't have to resolve to be a perfect person or stop procrastinating entirely. Don't set yourself up for failure in 2014. Vow to do something small but meaningful, and then apply these tips to help make it a reality.

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