Five Tips for Writing a Great College Application Essay

Five Tips for Writing a Great College Application Essay
Tip for Writing Application Essay

Your college application essay is an excellent opportunity to introduce yourself to the admissions team. It's the first thing they'll read about you aside from your transcript, SAT scores, and resume, so make it count. But how can you make sure your essay pops out of the pile? Read this article for five tips on writing an effective college application essay.

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Tip for Writing A Great Application Essay

Following are tips for writing an effective application essay.

1. Be Yourself

Admissions officers want to know about you. They don't care about your GPA or what you did in high school, and they can't evaluate how good you will be at their university. All they have to go on is your words, so use them wisely! Don't try to sound like someone else; just be yourself. If you're funny, be funny. If you're sad, be sad. The most important thing is to show who you are and not be afraid of letting others see that side of you.

2. Ditch the Thesaurus

You may think that using big words will improve your essay, but that's not always true! Admissions officers often say they prefer a simple piece that uses "plain language" over one that tries too hard to impress with fancy vocabulary and wordy sentences. Make sure your words are clear and concise — you'll be much more likely to impress with simple language than complex.

3. Write in First Person

Some students find it difficult—and are thus tempted—to write in the third person, but it's easy once you get used to it. The only thing you have to remember is that you can only use first-person pronouns ("I," "me," "we") when writing your college application essay. Don't worry about sounding overly formal or conversational; the most important thing is that you feel comfortable with your voice. The best way to ensure this is by using first-person pronouns. 

4. Don't Try Too Hard

You don't have to say something groundbreaking or never-before-heard to get into the college of your dreams. You have to be yourself, and you'll write a great essay that will get you noticed by admissions representatives.

When I meet a student who writes an essay that tries too hard to make him seem like the smartest kid in the world, I always wonder if he thinks that's what people want. It's not, and it's a huge turnoff. Imagine sitting down with someone who wants to talk about himself, telling you how great he is at everything and how much better than you. You wouldn't like him, and you'd be turned off.

So don't do that with your college application essay! Don't try too hard to impress admissions representatives; instead, let them know who you are and why they should like you.

5. Avoid Abstractions.

College admission officers read plenty of essays about dreams, goals, and other ambitious topics. But you must stay personal with these essays — avoid abstractions like "social justice" or "I want to change the world." Instead, focus on writing about your own experiences and how they've helped shape who you are today. The more specific you can be in your descriptions, the more likely you will grab their attention with a unique hook.

Final Thought

After reading this article about Five Tips for Writing a Great College Application Essay, we conclude; Essays that sound like they come straight from the admissions office aren't memorable. There's no need to speak in clichés or "think outside the box"—being yourself is good advice for any essay. Talking about your likes, dislikes, passions, and aspirations is the best way to get your personality across positively.

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