Are You a Gadget Freak?

Are You a Gadget Freak? Don’t fret, you’re not alone if you think you might be a gadget freak. It’s estimated that 50% of men and 30% of women are addicted to technology. The main point of this article is to educate people that there are health issues associated with being a gadget freak. This article does so by first investigating whether technology addiction exists or not, then explores the serious side effects involved when an addiction is present.

Are You a Gadget Freak?
Are You a Gadget Freak?

What is a Gadget Freak?

A gadget freak is someone who is obsessed with gadgets. They will always have the latest technology and are prepared to pay top dollar for it.

Gadget freaks also tend to be very knowledgeable about the latest technological advancements and can’t wait to jump on the bandwagon.

They will normally be found in front of a computer, tablet or smartphone for large portions of their day, often using their gadget to stay in touch with friends and family.

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Are You a Gadget Freak?

An easy test to see if you’re a gadget freak is to check your general behavior around technology. Do you spend too much time on your phone? Are you constantly checking your email or social media? If the answer is yes, there’s a good chance that you’re a gadget freak.

Risks for Gadget Freaks

The risks associated with being a gadget freak are multiple. One of the biggest dangers of being a gadget freak is that it leads to anxiety and depression. For example, if you’re constantly checking your social media feeds, it’s very likely that you will compare yourself to others, which can lead to major self-esteem issues.

The same thing goes for work emails as people might start comparing their productivity with others in their industry. Another risk associated with being a gadget freak is the strain it puts on your eyesight and posture due to long hours of screen time.

Symptoms of Are You a Gadget Freak?

Dr. Andrew Doan has worked at the National Institute on Drug Abuse for the past ten years, where he researched Internet and video game addiction. In his book, Hooked on Games: The Lure and Cost of Video Game and Internet Addiction, he proposes numerous symptoms of tech addiction:

1. Craving

A need to use a tech device or network frequently throughout the day in order to feel good or avoid feeling bad.

2. Loss of Control

An inability to limit time spent using devices or networks despite repeated attempts to do so.

3. Neglecting Other Activities

The loss or curtailment of other activities due to excessive media use, such as hobbies, exercise, playtime with friends, work or academic performance, personal relationships, or sleep.

How to Improve Your Gadget Addiction

If you think you might be addicted to technology, there are ways to improve your condition. The first step is awareness of the problem. Next, set goals for yourself regarding how much time you should be spending on your devices daily. If necessary, disable email notifications and get a lock for your phone so that you can’t use it at inappropriate times. Finally, try to find alternative activities that you enjoy so that you’re not relying on gadgets as much.

What Causes Tech Addiction?

Tech addiction can be caused by a variety of factors including:

1. Boredom

Video games and other electronic devices can provide an escape from boredom, but it’s also possible to get addicted to that escape.

2. Low self-esteem

People with low self-esteem are more likely to become addicted to things in general and tech addiction is no different.

3. Loneliness

For those who feel lonely or isolated, spending time with friends online is a great way to connect and feel less alone. However, it also increases the risk for addiction when other obligations are neglected.

4. Depression

Depression and anxiety are common causes of tech addiction because people turn to technology as a means of escaping their negative feelings.

5. Social anxiety

Technology is often used as a way to avoid social situations and interactions. This can lead to feelings of isolation, guilt, and inadequacy, which can worsen the cycle of tech addiction.

6. A need to escape reality

While technology is meant to make life easier, it often makes it more difficult for people who are addicted to it. Work and home life can become overwhelming at times, leading people to use technology as an escape from their everyday problems.

7. Impulsiveness

Individuals with poor impulse control may be more likely to become addicted to technology because they feel the need for instant gratification.

8. Poor coping skills

Some individuals turn to technology as a way of coping with unpleasant emotions such as loneliness or boredom.

9. Stressful life events

The intense emotional states associated with stressful or traumatic life events can also trigger impulsive behaviors in some people, causing them to become addicted to technology.

This is not a new phenomenon. Are You a Gadget Freak?

This is not a new phenomenon. When the telephone was first introduced in 1876, people were afraid to use it. They worried the voices of the person on the other end would get trapped inside the phone and cause headaches and hearing problems. Some people even claimed they could feel electric shocks from their first black and white TV set with rabbit ears antennae.

Fast forward to today, and roughly 73% of all Americans own smartphones, according to a Pew Research Center study. Smartphones were only introduced after 2000 and some experts believe they’ve become addictive — with symptoms similar to drug or alcohol addiction — that can cause major depression, loss of sleep, anxiety, poor personal relationships, and even suicidal tendencies.

Why do we become so addicted to our devices?

It’s because technology has learned to tap into the very basic needs of human beings, such as socialization and entertainment. A simple example is going on Facebook when we are bored at work or waiting for a friend at lunch. The truth is that social media sites have learned to add a rewarding component — such as notifications when someone likes a post you made — in order to keep users coming back for more.

Final Thought

Are You a Gadget Freak? Most gadget freaks can’t accept the fact that their obsession with gadgets and technology is actually an addiction. As a result, they never succeed in their efforts to overcome it. Also, most of them suffer from other serious issues such as depression, OCD, and bipolar disorder.

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