Best Writing Tips for Beginners Bloggers

If you're starting out blogging, you'll probably want to learn the art of writing great content. The success of your blog largely depends upon the quality of its content. But note that it will take time for you to improve and discover your voice and style. In the meantime, it's helpful if you could follow some best writing tips for beginner bloggers like you.

Best Writing Tips for Beginners Bloggers

Best Writing Tips for Beginners Bloggers

Many bloggers and writers never develop their writing skills, and they feel that they are so busy with other tasks they can't spare the extra time.

Best Writing Tips for Beginners

1. Active Voice Leads to Engaging Writing

Active voice will draw your readers into your writing if you use active voice. It gives action and direction to your sentences, making them more attractive. Compare the following two sentences:

1. "John wrote down his thoughts in his diary."

2. "John wrote his thoughts in his diary."

The first sentence is passive, which uses being as the main verb, and the second sentence uses an active form of the verb writes. Even though both sentences tell us that John wrote something, the second sentence gives us specific information about what he did—he wrote something down—which makes it more interesting. The trick is to mix active and passive clauses in your sentences but keep the majority of them active.

Avoid Long Sentences

Keeping your sentences short and sweet is essential to creating easy-to-read prose. Shorter sentences also give you more freedom with your word choice, as they allow you to avoid awkward phrases and flowery language. Furthermore, short sentences make it easier for your readers to skim through the text. A general rule of thumb is that passive voice sentences should be ten words long, whereas active voice sentences should be no longer than 12 words.

You can work on breaking up longer sentences by using commas and semicolons judiciously or by using dashes instead of commas. Using these punctuation marks will help you break up your sentence into smaller segments, making it much easier for readers to follow along without feeling overwhelmed by your prose.

Be conversational

When we talk, we don't usually use complete sentences or paragraphs. We use words that are relevant to us on a day-to-day basis. Think about what is going through your reader's minds when they read your post - this is how you should be writing. Your posts shouldn't be impersonal, bland, or boring. Write with the personality that fits YOU and use everyday words instead of big, fancy ones for the show.

Be engaging

We've all been guilty of skimming over something we don't find engaging at least once in our lives, so have your readers, so make sure not to let them touch over your content! Every time a new reader comes to your blog, they're potentially one click away from moving on elsewhere, so make sure they stay with your content until satisfied they've gained value from it and will most likely come back.

Setting Goals

1) Write content at least twice per week. If you write every day, extraordinary! But if you don't have a lot of time, try setting a schedule like this: Monday and Thursday at 12 PM EST. That way, if you're very busy with other things during the week, you'll still make sure that you are keeping up with your blogging goals.

2) write posts at least 300 words long. It will help keep each post interesting for readers and help keep your blog from looking like "just a bunch of short blurbs." It will also ensure that each post counts towards your daily word count goal.

3) Write three posts in advance

Spice Up Your Blog with Visuals

The days of the plain, text-heavy blog are long gone, and today's bloggers need to incorporate various types of content into their blogs to stay relevant and keep readers engaged.

Tables, info-graphics, videos, memes, and other visual elements have quickly become go-to blog content for bloggers looking for ways to spice up their posts. But incorporating these elements into a blog post isn't always easy. Many people avoid adding visuals to their blog posts because they feel too complicated or time-consuming, and that's where Canva comes in.

Canva is a tool that allows bloggers to design captivating visuals with ease. It can be used by anyone who wants to get more creative with their blog posts. According to Canva, more than 3 million people use this tool to make all sorts of visual content for their blogs.

Make it Simple and Easy-to-Read to Make Your Readers' Lives Easier.

When writing articles for your blog, you should always make them easy-to-read and straightforward. The primary purpose of any essay is to convey information. If your piece is crammed with grammatical errors or written in a difficult-to-understand language, then people will not be able to comprehend what you are trying to say. It may cause them to lose interest in reading your article or even leave the site before finishing reading the article.

In other words, should write an article so that the reader can finish reading it in one sitting. So make sure that you report content that is understandable and interesting for your readers. 

The Power of Storytelling

When you tell a story, your reader becomes an active participant in creating the narrative's landscape in their mind. For example, instead of describing a character by saying she was tall with blue eyes and blonde hair, write more like this: "She was a giantess with blue eyes and blonde hair that fell past her waist." Include as many senses as possible so your reader can experience what you did.

Let Your Personality Shine Through

Don't write in a robotic voice or tone that doesn't sound like anything but an instruction manual on doing things or writing reports. Write using language that will make it fun for others to read what you've written or share it with others.


So, these were the best writing tips for beginners bloggers. As you can see, it’s not so hard to start writing a blog. Being a great writer is a more difficult task. All you need is some practice, passion for what you’re doing and actual writing skills, and you’ll be one step closer to creating a successful blog.

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