What are the different types of creative writing?

different types of creative writing


Different types of creative writing

While fiction and poetry are the most popular forms of creative writing, many other types deserve attention. Often, the first two come to mind for most people. But there are many creative writing options, many of which do not get talked about as much. Although they may be less well-known, they still deserve attention. Creative writing can be both a hobby and a career for thousands of people. If you love to write, it's essential to know "what are the different types of creative writing?" Here are some of the most popular types of creative writing.

Types of Creative Writing

Following are the different types of creative writing

Free Writing

Free writing is a technique used in creative writing where the writer is not concerned about genre, spelling, punctuation, or grammar. The idea is to write freely and quickly without worrying about mistakes. Free writing has been used as a therapeutic technique and a way of getting past writer's block. This technique can be used as a warm-up exercise before starting the actual writing process or to explore different creative directions.

Diaries Writing

Diaries writing is also one of the types of creative writing. In this type of writing, a person writes about their life, feelings, desires, day-to-day activities, etc. It can be written in any format like poems, stories, or any other form. A diary writer is always an introverted person who likes to spend time alone rather than in the crowd. They feel comfortable when they are alone, and they are free to write anything that comes into their mind during the day.

Journal Writing

Journal writing is also one of the types of creative writing. It can be a very beneficial activity for you as it will unleash your hidden creativity and provide you with the good feeling that comes with the accomplishment of something that has been started and finished. It writing is the art of writing with your sentiment. It is not the author's imagination or fiction. Journal is written out of one's heart and soul. In journals writing, the writer has to write about his feelings or experiences. 

An idea journal is for collecting ideas. I use mine as a writing prompt. I write down whatever comes to me and save it in my journal until I'm ready to use the idea. An Omni-journal is an all-purpose notebook that you can use for many different writing projects. It'sIt's excellent if you're a creative person who likes to keep all your projects in one place. You can also use an Omni-journal for brainstorming, planning your writing projects. 

Letters Writing

Letters writing is an excellent way of creative writing. It is a perfect way of expressing your feelings, emotions, love, or hate. It all depends on the type of letters that you are writing. Some people use this to tell stories; some use it for teaching purposes. However, whatever the reason may be, writing letters is an excellent way of expressing your feelings and emotions more creatively.

Essays Writing

Essays writing is one of the most important parts of English or Literature courses for students. Writing an essay is not a simple task; you have to know how to express your thoughts and ideas to make a strong impression on the teacher. You can choose different topics for essays, from academic subjects to social issues.

Poetry Writing

Poetry writing is an excellent way of creative writing. It can be written on any topic. But poetry writing on specific issues always has more impact. If you want to write a poem, you should know the basics of writing a poem and the common types of poetry writing.

Journalism Type of Creative Writing

Journalism is often considered to be objective reporting on facts, people, and events. The style of journalism known as objectivity or straight journalism strives to report only the facts without injecting opinion. 

While this may sound like a good thing, it cannot be fascinating to read. Many newspaper editors prefer their reporters to inject some opinion into their stories. It is known as opinionated journalism. Often a reporter expresses their feelings about a story. This style of reporting is called subjective journalism.

Song Lyrics

If you're a musician who writes your songs, then you may be interested in writing lyrics. Lyricists are responsible for creating words that fit with the music and convey the emotion of the song. Writing good song lyrics requires skill and practice. A lyricist must have an understanding of music theory and a good ear for sounds and rhythms.

There are three main genres of song lyrics: pop, rock, and rap. Pop lyrics are the most accessible because they generally feature stories that everyone can relate to. Rock lyrics are usually a bit more abstract and poetic. Rap lyrics have a specific rhythm, and they tend to be filled with slang and idioms.

Scriptwriters a Type of Creative Writing

Scriptwriters write scripts for film, television, and theater. They are the master storytellers for the entertainment industry. Writers can create mystery and suspense in a crime drama or laughter and tears with a comedy. They can explore social issues in a theater or test the limits of taste in a comedy. A scriptwriter is also an actor's best friend: screenwriters develop a dialogue to give actors something to say, and playwrights provide dialogue to give actors something to speak.

Speech Writing

Writing speeches is a great way to enhance your communication skills and writing talents and an excellent way to break into the world of professional writing. Speech-writing opportunities are available in various industries, including politics, law, entertainment, sports, education, health care, business, and more.

While speeches come in many forms, all means to convey information or ideas in a specific way. Whether you're writing an informative speech about the history of your hometown or a persuasive speech asking for donations to a local school's sports program, knowing how to write and deliver a speech is a great skill to have.

Storytelling Writing

Storytelling is considered the most popular form of creative writing and is found in the realms of both fiction and nonfiction writing. The former involves the author's use of characters, dialogue, and plot to create a sense of suspense, drama, or humor. In nonfiction writing, the author may tell a story to illustrate and explain a point. Regardless of the form it takes, storytelling is an essential aspect of most forms of literature.

While there are many different types of stories, they generally fall into five basic categories according to various literary agents. These categories include myths, legends, folktales, short stories, and novels.


The first blogs were online journals that allowed authors to express themselves. These blogs featured simple writing and a personal voice. Today, blogs are used by people of all ages, professions, and walks of life. Blogs allow authors to express themselves in various ways, including through photography, music, lyrics, scripts, speeches, news, stories, and videos.


I hope you find the answer to "What are the different types of creative writing?" In the world of creative writing, there are a seemingly endless number of ways to express yourself with words. From poetry to short stories and from memoirs to screenplays, creative writing falls into many different categories. You can find your creative writing type by using our list of creative writing types. If you're a writer, it's a good idea to try them all out and see which one suits you best.


1. Miller-Wilson, Kate. n.d. 12 Types of Creative Writing to Explore. Accessed August 09, 2021. 

2. St.Cyr, Linda. 2017. Types of Creative Writing. April 17. Accessed August 09, 2021. 


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