How to write an effective essay for competition

Student Writing an Essay Sitting on Chair
Student Writing an Essay Siting on a Chair

Write an Essay for Competition

Knowing "how to write an effective essay for competition" is an essential skill for any student. Whether you are applying to college or university or taking part in a high school or college competition, you will need to make sure that your essay can stand out and grab the judges' attention.

Nowadays, there are so many essay writing contests held by private companies and public institutions. Thousands of students all around the globe are hired by firms to write high-quality essays on any given topic. If you are a college/university student or a high school student who wants to make some extra money, you should consider participating in those competitions.

1. Read the Essay Contest Rules

Before you begin writing, make sure that you have read the rules. All essay contests that are worth winning have specific requirements that a winning essay must fulfill. Even though the essay contest rules may seem like extra work, they are essential to follow. The essay contest rules provide all the information you need to write an effective essay for a competition.

2. Brainstorm Your Essay Ideas

It's essential to spend the initial 20 minutes of your essay planning stage writing down ideas. It's effortless to come up with a few ideas and then start writing. It is a big mistake. To ensure you have a vital essay, you must brainstorm your ideas first. Make sure you really push yourself to come up with as many ideas as possible and then select the best ones later.

When you brainstorm your essay, you want to write down every idea that comes to mind. You don't want to judge any of your thoughts at this point because you don't want to risk losing any good ones. This is why it's essential to be in a relaxed state of mind during the brainstorming stage. If you're stressed or worried about writing a good essay, you're not going to be able to relax enough to come up with good ideas.

What is a Good Subject to Write an Essay

The main ideas in such an essay are usually the topic of discussion, the theme of the essay, and the contest's sponsor. All these can be considered important factors that help measure the quality of such an essay. However, the best essays for the competition are those whose writers can use this information to make their work more appealing and captivating to the judges.

4. Use a Good Hook to Attract Reader's 

The hook is a short, attention-grabbing statement at the beginning of an essay that immediately captures the reader's interest. It would help write a compelling theme to make sure that your essay is read from start to finish. It means crafting a concise, exciting, and relevant statement that appeals to the reader's emotions. A good hook can make the difference between your essay being read and being passed over.

5. Start Your First Draft

The first draft of your essay is a crucial part of the writing process. It is where you lay the foundations for what your essay will look like. Your first draft will be messy as you begin to work out what your essay is trying to say and how you will say it. In this first draft, try not to worry too much about making your writing perfect; get all the ideas and information down on paper in an order that makes sense.

You can craft a great essay from your first draft, but it takes time and effort. You have a general idea of what you want to say but don't know where to start. The problem with writing an essay is that it requires research before you can write. You need to understand your topic well and find reliable sources to back up your opinion or argument. It's easier to do this if you can create an outline of your essay beforehand.

It should have a clear thesis statement that answers the essay question. Each paragraph of the first draft should support the thesis statement with three to five relevant examples that are concrete and recent. Use short sentences, no more than 15 words. Use strong action verbs to create powerful sentences, such as "Napoleon conquered," "The judges voted," or "My opponent scored."

6. Revise The Essay for Flow and Organization

One of the biggest problems that most students face when writing an essay is poor flow and organization. When your essay lacks a natural flow, it won't be easy to read and understand. A lack of organization makes it difficult for the reader to follow your train of thought and arrive at the same conclusion as you. Flow and organization are two very interrelated concepts. Your essay cannot have a good flow without good organization, but a good organization can also enhance your flow.

7. Read it Aloud

When you are ready to review your essay, try reading it aloud. If there are places where your writing is choppy or confusing, read the sentences out loud to check if they flow well or not. If the sentence is awkward, rewrite it until you get it right. Remember that you are trying to create a smooth and easy-to-understand work of art that will win over the judges.

8. Get Feedback from Others 

Now that you've had a chance to write your essay, it's time to get some feedback. You'll need to have someone look it over and make sure it flows well. It needs to be free of spelling and grammatical errors. If your writing skills aren't quite up to par, consider finding a professional essay editing service that can help you out.

9. Read The Rules One Last Time

One of the most common reasons a winning essay is rejected is that it does not follow the contest's rules. You've probably been working on your essay for the past month, and you're ready to submit it. However, it would be best if you always read the rules one last time before submitting. You never know what you may have missed. It is better to be safe than sorry.


I can tell you that a good essay for the competition is a well-written essay and not an essay with a good topic. I have seen many issues of pieces for the competition which were quite dull. It was the way of writing the essay that made it enjoyable. And, based on my experience, I can tell you that people who win competitions are not always the best writers, but they know how to make their essays enjoyable. So by applying the above rules you will be able to know "How to write an effective essay for competition".

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